Classes are held at Fitness First, Tudor Street, Exeter every Tuesday evening at 7 pm finishing at 8 pm. You don’t have to be a member of Fitness First to join us! Car parking is FREE and after your class you can relax in the sauna or steam room FREE.


Studio cycling is probably the safest and most effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness. You should however first check the PAR-Q questionnaire below before booking your class.


Safety First

You will get more out of your training if you wear the correct clothing. Padded cycling shorts are highly recommended. Moisture absorbing tops will help keep you dry. Bring a water bottle to keep yourself hydrated and performing at your best. Wear comfortable trainers and bring along a small towel or head band to mop your brow. Don’t spend a fortune on your gear - this is training not a fashion show!

Gear Up

Hi, I’m Clive - I’ve been teaching studio cycling pretty well since it was first introduced into the UK. Originally I kept strictly to the manual, I soon realised however that a much better workout could be achieved by including complimentary upper body exercises.

The great thing about studio cycling is that everyone starts and finishes at the same time -  whatever your level of fitness. It’s not a race so you won’t be left behind or feel embarrassed if you feel like a short rest

  and please click the Safety icon.

PAR-Q is designed to help you help yourself. Many health benefits are associated with regular exercise and the completion of PAR-Q is a sensible first step to take. For most people physical exercise should not pose any problem or hazard. PAR-Q has been designed to identify the small number of individuals for whom physical activity might be inappropriate, or those who should seek medical advice concerning the type of activity most suitable for them. Please be aware however that all exercise carries a risk of injury, however small and that consequential loss due to injury during a COVOX class or cardiovascular fitness assessment is not covered.

Common sense is your best guide in answering these few questions. Please read them carefully and answer YES or NO.

(1) Has your doctor ever said that you have heart trouble?

(2) Do you frequently have pains in your chest?

(3) Do you often feel faint or have spells of dizziness?

(4) Has a doctor ever said your blood pressure was too high?

(5) Has your doctor ever told you that you have a bone or joint problem such as arthritis that has been aggravated by exercise or that might be made worse by exercise?

(6) Is there a good physical reason not mentioned here why you should not follow an activity program even if you wanted to?

(7) Are you over 65 years of age and are you unaccustomed to doing vigorous exercise?

(8) Are you taking medication that might affect your response to exercise?

(9) Have you been prescribed or are you taking drugs that reduce your blood pressure or reduce your heart rate?

If you have answered YES to one question or more in the PAR-Q then this does not necessarily prevent you from taking a class or fitness assessment, however you are recommended to consult with your doctor before increasing your physical activity.

If you have answered NO to all questions and you have answered PAR-Q accurately, you have reasonable assurance of your present suitability for a cardiovascular training programme.

I will endeavour to make your training as safe as possible, so I will need you to sign the PAR-Q questionnaire. NO one has ever experienced injury during any of my classes, but please be aware that all exercise caries a risk of injury however small.

PAR-Q Fifty Plus Studio Cycling Contact

My classes are limited in size so I can’t guarantee a place..but please email or call or text me on  07977 491979. I’ll be pleased to chat.

Click here to check out  the facilities. Click here to check out costs. The spinning studio showing state Of the art SPINNER exercise bikes.  These bikes give a great ride and are fully adjustable to suit all sizes.  Together with air conditioning and a great sound system -  this is the perfect training facility.

After your spinning class you can, if you wish, make use of the steam room and Sauna.

Comfortable changing rooms with privacy cubicles and lockers.

Finish off with a shower and go home feeling fresh as a daisy.

facilities costs

There is no annual membership to join my class, simply a calendar monthly fee of £24, which you pay at the beginning of each month. This works out to an average cost per class of £5.54. You simply commit to one month at a time. AND the first month is free with no obligation to continue if you feel this type of training is not for you!

COVOX Studio Cycling will get you back to fitness.

Don’t give up just because you may be over 50!

Studio Cycling or spinning as it is better known, is a fantastic way to perform impact free exercise without having to worry about your knees, ankles, joints and ligaments. The beat of the music and training with others all add to the atmosphere. But you train according to how you feel - listen to your body it’s your ride. You will be surprised how quickly you adapt to this type of exercise!
